1.4 UEFI Remote Control Kill Switch

The biggest difference between Windows 10 and Windows 11 is that with Windows 10, one could turn off UEFI and Secure Boot to replace Windows with Linux. With Windows 11, both UEFI and Secure Boot are required. In this article, we will outline the drawbacks of Secure Boot and UEFI – which are so great that if you have the misfortune of having purchased a Windows 11 computer, your only option is to throw it in the dumpster.

What is UEFI BIOS?
For more than 20 years, BIOS consisted of a small program that was independent of the operating system. Then, in May 2006, Bill Gates gave a speech announcing a “better” replacement for BIOS called the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (aka UEFI) – a secret closed source program that was 10 times bigger than the prior BIOS.

UEFI is now a near monopoly BIOS found on all Windows and Apple computers and nearly all Linux computers. Thankfully, in 2007, Google began supporting Coreboot - a free open source alternative to UEFI. Coreboot eventually became the BIOS program for all Chromebooks. Recently, a Linux computer maker called Purism also started using Coreboot BIOS on their Librem 14 Laptops.


Is UEFI BIOS Secure?
We know from the Snowden and Vault 7 documents that the NSA has several back doors into the Windows Operating System since at least 1998. Here, we will look at evidence that the NSA has placed back doors in the UEFI BIOS firmware program since 2007.

Why is a Secure BIOS Important?
If a hacker takes over your BIOS, they can control your operating system, applications and all of your documents stored on your computer hard drive.

Dark History of UEFI
The UEFI security signing mechanism is identical to the Microsoft Windows security signing. I do not mean similar. I mean IDENTICAL. Many sections of UEFI code even begins with the word “win.” Here is a quote from Bill on May 23, 2006, the day he announced UEFI:

1.3 The Windows 11 Garbage Dump

In this article, we will review another threat to Open Software Development – the Windows 11 garbage dump – the most bloated and insecure operating system ever created.


Windows 11 is a garbage dump of a program with two control panels, two (or more) web browsers and over 100 million lines of code. Windows 11 is so bloated that Microsoft was forced to raise the minimum hard drive size from 32 GB to 64 GB. Even 64 GB may not be enough after adding a few Windows updates which due to ever increasing security problems are getting bigger and bigger all the time. The Windows Hardware Requirements page openly admits: “Extra storage space might be required to download updates.”

Microsoft released Windows 11 on October 5, 2021 - marking the beginning of the end of Windows 10. It was also the beginning of the end for near any computer that is less than two years old as Microsoft announced that Windows 11 will only support Intel 8th Gen processors. This Windows 11 requirement eliminates over 90% of the computers in the world!

If you have a two year old computer, you will see a warning like this on your computer:

1.2 Growth of the Monopoly Cloud

In addition to needing a place to host your GIT repository online, you will also need a place to host your Open Software Development website. Later, we will explain how you could host your project website for free using Codeberg pages. But there are other extremely low cost options that would be better for hosting your Open Software Community website. Sadly, many otherwise noble open source projects use one of the Big Three Monopoly Cloud Servers to host their project website. We will therefore explain why this is yet another extremely bad idea.

Cloud server hosting is now the most profitable division of three of the largest corporate monsters in human history. In 2021, Amazon Web Services (AWS) annual Cloud revenue was about $48 billion. Microsoft Azure cloud annual revenue was about $67 billion. Google Cloud annual revenue was about $16 billion. The total was $131 billion. This additional $131 billion per year in additional revenue is the single most important reason the valuation of all three of these corporations has risen to more than one trillion dollars in the past 5 years.

But even if you do not mind being ripped off to the tune of $131 billion and even if you do not mind helping these three mega corporations achieve the greatest concentration of wealth and power in human history, you need to understand this: As Edward Snowden revealed in 2013,, all three of these corporations are “Prism Partners.” This means they are directly tied to the US military and have placed back doors in their Monopoly Cloud to allow the US Military (aka NSA and CIA) to access all of your data.

Even if you do not mind the US Military having access to all of your data, you also need to be aware that all three of these corporate monsters are located in the US and are therefore subject to the draconian US Patriot Act. The Patriot Act allows US federal agencies to take down your website or VPS without notice and without a court hearing.

As a result of the draconian US Patriot Act, it is not wise to host your website or Virtual Private Server with a US based hosting company. The only way to have a truly secure website or VPS is to use a web host that is not located in the US.

Even if you do not mind the threat of having your Open Software project website being taken down without a court hearing, you should know that all kinds of other bad things may happen to you if you choose to go with the Monopoly Cloud. For example, in 2021, it was revealed that Microsoft installs their own back door into all sites hosted on the Azure cloud – and hackers quickly figured out how to exploit this back door!

1.1 GIT Host Mine Field

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Fool me once, shame on you… fool me twice, shame on me.

(My mothers two favorite sayings)

In order to better understand why we need to do more research on the development tools we use – before we place our trust in these tools - we will begin by explaining how software development currently occurs. As noted in the Introduction, we humans are facing the most extreme concentration of wealth and power in human history. Just look at the US S & P 500. You will see that the 4 largest corporations in history are all technology stocks. As of November 2022, the combined market capitalization of Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), Apple and Amazon is more than $6.6 trillion dollars – making these four technology corporations the richest corporations in human history.


There is a simple reason why the richest corporations in human history are all tech corporations. The reason is that tech corporations have almost no overhead. Their products, aka software programs, cost nothing to copy and a server farm such as AWS or Azure can generates billions in profit while being run by a small Tech team.

It is ironic that the profits of all four of these mega corporations come predominately from running open software Linux programs. Yet none of the profit goes back to the open software community. Instead, the profit is used to bribe politicians, rig elections, control the media and censor anyone who has the courage to challenge them.

In 2013, I published a book called Free Yourself from Microsoft and the NSA. In this 400 page book I outlined 30 years of crimes committed by Bill Gates and Microsoft. Much of this information I obtained by spending 20 years teaching courses at the nearest college to Microsoft – and having had more than 1000 Microsoft employees in my courses. You can download a free copy of this book at the following link: https://freeyourselffrommicrosoftandthensa.org/

In subsequent articles, we will look at serious problems with the Microsoft cloud and with the current version of the Windows operating system called Windows 11. But in this article, we will take a look at the current state of GIT Repository Hosts – which is where most software development currently occurs – in order to explain why you should not trust your Open Software project with any of the major GIT Repository Hosts.